Monday, May 23, 2011

Communication much???

As babies we gibber jabber and try to come up with words, as we get older we form those mixed up letters into words and thus we start communicating with one another. But there is a slight difference between the progress of this trait that women seem to posses more than men. Apparently once men reach an age where they can talk they don't want to listen!

Without no communication there is no relationship, correct? you would think that in order to get your ideas, your opinions your feelings and emotions out you must speak up and not only talk but listen as well. Well this is kinda hard for me to understand considering all the men I dated which wasn't that many, only seemed to be interested in one thing, ofcourse sex, thats a No brainer. But I find the men that I had been with in a relationship and have dated can't really communicate as much as a women can.

This really frustrates me only because I'm a very verbal person and LOVE to talk about anything from the starts in the sky to weird things like vampires to intriguing discussions about life, death and so on. I really miss being able to talk to someone about these types of things but I guess I will have to either work on it with whomever I'm with or just find another person to have these very unique conversations with. Who wants to be my Txt buddy?! lol joking.

The key to any relationship is communication, if theres no communication trust goes out the window and people do things behind your back that will never be forgiven.

Speak up, communicate & I'm sure your partner would enjoy what you have to say....I sure know how I would feel, very pleased indeed :0)

Mucho Amor,

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