Monday, April 26, 2010

PTSD College Project

So my sister was assigned a project to due on PTSD and so she decided to create a video of fictional characters to show her class how PTSD can affect different type of people.

For all those who don't have a clue what PTSD means the full term is

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-is a type of anxiety disorder. It can occur after you've seen or experienced a traumatic event that involved the threat of injury or death.

So she decided to get me and my Finace' envolved and it was fun to act and interesting to understand how certain people were affected by PTSD.

Below is the Full Video My Fiancé' and I acted out and Below that link is the Funny BLOOPERS.

Hope you enjoy these videos :)

PTSD Project:


Friday, April 9, 2010

I'm Enagaged now!!!

Yes you read that right I am now going to get married to my boyfriend now my fiance'! So excited he popped the question while we were vacationing in United Stated Virgin Islands. Check out the link below to see my engagement story <3